She is like Juliet...without the whole Romeo part

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My family, what were like, and what matters to us

My Dad: Tim, he's a phys ed. teacher and he loves to coach basketball. he has seven other brothers and sisters whom i love very much. one of his sister died when she was five, she was hit by a car and died instantly. RIP aunt michelle

My Mom: Amy, she's a nurse and she works really really hard and im so proud of her. she has two other brothers one named tod and the other named thomas, but thomas died of a brain deffect when he was just a little baby. RIP uncle thomas

My brother: Kellen, hes seventeen years old and were pretty tight. i never know if hes going up or down or left or right. hes gone quite a bit but sometimes he can be quite funny. sometimes.

My kitty: Tiger Lilly, theres not much too say about her. shes pretty lazy. shes a princess. nuff said.

Like most teenagers i get aggravated with my mom and i feel like my dad always has to be right. when i was little i used to think my parents were i grew older i realized they are far from it. but i also realized nobody is flawless. im not flawless, youre not flawless, barak obama isnt flawless. the only real person who was never flawless is Mary or Jesus. i dont mean to sound cliche about that or anything. i am a strong catholic too and since ive grown older my faith has grown stronger.

sorry this post was kind of serious. like. really serious. probably kind of depressed the crap out of all of you. that would be gross though. i hope this wasnt so depressing it made you poop. okay haha anyways.....i laugh at my own jokesss soooo i hope you  pee yourself at them. jay kay. im really not that funny you flatter me. hah. yeah. kay. so.
thats my kitty i hope you think shes cute cause i do ;)

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